전재식 사진
Ph.D. University of Maryland
부동산정책, 주거복지, 공간분석
해봉부동산학관 503호
○ 학력
박사 University of Maryland, Urban and Regional Planning, 2017
석사 연세대학교, 도시공학, 2010
학사 연세대학교, 도시공학, 2008
○ 주요경력
교수, 건국대학교, 2020.3–현재
박사후연구원, UC Berkeley, 2019.2–2020.2
연구원, Sage Computing, 2018.1–2018.12
연구인턴, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, 2015.8-2016.5
연구원, 국토연구원, 2010.8–2011.8
○ 주요강의
○ 주요연구분야
부동산시장 및 정책
임대주택, 주거급여 등 주거복지 정책
주거이동 및 주거선택
○ 연구논문 및 저서
Chapple, Karen and Jeon, Jae Sik (2021). "Big Tech on the Block: Examining the Impact of Tech Campuses on Local Housing Markets in the San Francisco Bay Area." Economic Development Quarterly (SSCI), 35(4), 351-369. https://doi.org/10.1177/08912424211036180

Kang, Seungbeom and Jeon, Jae Sik (2021). "Toward Suburbs: Examining Neighborhood-Level Changes in Naturally Occurring Affordable Housing Stock in Florida, USA." Cities (SSCI), 116, 103267. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cities.2021.103267

전재식, 김우찬 (2020). "공유오피스가 서울 주요 오피스시장에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구." 서울도시연구(KCI), 21(4), 127-142.

Jeon, Jae Sik (2020). "Moving Away from Opportunity? Social Networks and Access to Social Services." Urban Studies (SSCI), 57(8), 1696-1713. https://doi.org/10.1177/0042098019844197

Jeon, Jae Sik (2019). "How Housing Market Responds to Greenbelt Relaxation: Case of Seoul Metropolitan Area, South Korea." Land Use Policy (SSCI), 84, 328-334. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landusepol.2019.03.026

Jeon, Jae Sik, Dawkins, Casey, and Pendall, Rolf (2018). "How Vehicle Access Enables Low-Income Households to Live in Better Neighborhoods." Housing Policy Debate (SSCI), 28(6), 920-939. https://doi.org/10.1080/10511482.2018.1494023

Dawkins, Casey, and Jeon, Jae Sik (2018). "Housing Cost Burden in the Housing Choice Voucher Program: The Impact of HUD Program Rules." Cityscape, 20(1), 39-62.

Dawkins, Casey, Jeon, Jae Sik, and Knaap, Gerrit-Jan (2017). "Creating and Preserving Affordable Homeownership Opportunities: Does Inclusionary Zoning Make Sense?" Journal of Planning Education and Research (SSCI), 37(4), 444-456. https://doi.org/10.1177/0739456X16659763

Dawkins, Casey, Jeon, Jae Sik, and Pendall, Rolf (2015). "Vehicle Access and Exposure to Neighborhood Poverty: Evidence from the Moving to Opportunity Program." Journal of Regional Science (SSCI), 55(5), 687-707. https://doi.org/10.1111/jors.12198

Pendall, Rolf, Hayer, Christopher, George, Arthur, McDade, Zach, Dawkins, Casey, Jeon, Jae Sik, Knaap, Eli, Blumenberg, Evelyn, Pierce, Gregory, and Smart, Michael (2015). "Driving to Opportunity: Voucher Users, Cars, and Movement to Sustainable Neighborhoods." Cityscape, 17(2), 57-87.

Dawkins, Casey, Jeon, Jae Sik, and Pendall, Rolf (2015). "Transportation Access, Rental Vouchers, and Neighborhood Satisfaction: Evidence from the Moving to Opportunity Experiment." Housing Policy Debate (SSCI), 25(3), 497-530. https://doi.org/10.1080/10511482.2014.986662

Kim, Kabsung and Jeon, Jae Sik (2012). "Why Do Households Rent While Owning Houses? Housing Sub-Tenure Choice in South Korea." Habitat International (SSCI), 36, 101-107. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.habitatint.2011.06.005

Suh, Seoung Hwan, Kim, Kabsung, and Jeon, Jae Sik (2011). "Housing Market Early Warning System: The Case of Korea." European Journal of Scientific Research, 56(4), 539-547.
○ 주요 학술 및 대외활동
학술부위원장, 한국주택학회, 2022-현재
총무부위원장, 한국지역학회, 2021-현재
이사, 한국부동산분석학회, 2021-현재